Hello and happy New Year. It’s hard to believe the first month of 2022 is already almost over, but all of us at the foundation are excited to keep this great energy going.
As you know, McLaren Greater Lansing has big things in store for this year with the new hospital opening just around the corner. As the hospital’s foundation, it’s our goal to support the community’s health care innovator, MGL, with additional resources to bring the best technology and physician-led solutions to the region. We put our donations to work on higher-quality health care and better health care outcomes — and 2022 will be no exception. We are focused on working with the community, and the amazing people in it, to create an even greater impact in the lives of our friends, families and neighbors. When you support the McLaren Greater Lansing Foundation, you’re supporting equity and access to quality health care and a group that helps make a meaningful difference in people’s lives.
Last year, the foundation raised more than $3 million, which helped the hospital purchase life-saving equipment and technology, provide financial support and resources to patients battling cancer, fund healing artwork for the new hospital, and much more. Gifts, whether they were one-time donations, corporate gifts or monthly contributions, helped thousands of people in the Greater Lansing area. We wouldn’t have been able to make this happen without caring people like you.
We hope you’re as thrilled as we are about the opportunities to invest in our community and its health. Together, we can make a difference right here in Lansing.
Let’s make this year our best yet.
Lynn Griffor
Vice President, McLaren Greater Lansing Foundation